
Aqtagħha! 3

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Age Suitability: 7+
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Għajjat il-Kelma!

Logħba għall-familja kollha

Plejer minn kull tim irid iwassal lil sħabu biex jaqtgħu l-kelma eżatta fil-kard billi jiddeskrivi u jagħti ħjiliet, iżda ma jistax juża l-ħames kelmiet li hemm miktubin fuq il-kard. Xi drabi ma tkunx daqshekk faċli, iżda din hija logħba li tiggarantixxi sigħat ta’ pjaċir u divertiment bejn il-familjari u l-ħbieb.

• logħba li tista’ tinġarr u tintlagħab kullimkien
• logħba li ssaħħaħ il-ħila tal-komunikazzjoni u l-kollaborazzjoni fi grupp
• tħaddem ukoll il-ħila tal-assoċjazzjoni billi l-plejers iridu jippruvaw jiddeskrivu u jassoċjaw il-kelma tal-kard ma’ oġġetti oħra li b’xi mod huma relatati magħha
• il-karti jippreżentaw ukoll lista sabiħa ta’ vokabolarju differenti li kulħadd jista’ jitgħallem minnu
• l-element tal-ħin iżid fl-eċitament u l-pjaċir tal-logħba

250 kard b’500 kelma, klessidra ta’ 60 sekonda

età: 7+

Shout out the Word! Game for the whole family
A player from each team wants to get his teammates to cut the exact word in the card by describing and giving hints, but he can’t use the five words that are written on the card. Sometimes it is not that easy, but this is a game that guarantees hours of pleasure and entertainment between family and friends. • a game that can be carried and played anywhere
• a game that strengthens communication and group collaboration ability
• also employ the association’s ability as players must try to describe and associate the word card with other items that are somehow related to it
• The papers also present a beautiful list of different vocabulary that everyone can learn from
• the time element increases in the excitement and pleasure of the game
250 cards with 500 words, 60 seconds cylinder
Age: 7