LOL Surprise OMG Present Surprise Miss Glam Fashion Doll
Introducing the first OMG fashion doll in the LOL Surprise Present Surprise range, Miss Glam! OMG! There’s something to celebrate! Miss Glam celebrates the most hilarious surprise birthday party and everyone is invited! Miss Glam’s personality is so outstanding, it takes an equation to describe them: Totally wild + lots of bows = the perfect party
Discover 20 surprises
Even a perfect confetti unboxing experience is included, just suitable for someone who is so cool! Miss Glam brings 20 surprises and her outfits can be swapped back and forth to create 5 different looks!
The packaging becomes a playset!
Get Miss Glam and the party begins! The packaging becomes a reusable playset. Includes a fashion doll, fashion, shoes, accessories, hat box, hair brush, garment bag, sticker, hanger, doll stand, reusable packaging playset and much more.
LOL Surprise OMG Birthday Doll