Rainbow circle with a diameter of 30 cm – Plop Up! / Pop It! is a sensory toy that makes sounds of a bursting air bubble during use. The revelation on TikTok: Pop-It! Press the bubbles down and PLOP UP! The bubbles make a slight popping sound, just like when you break bubblewrap. Play the game again by simply turning it over!
Game rules
Do leaf, rock, scissors first to see who should start.
Players take turns choosing a row and popping as many bubbles as they want (in that row only).
The next player chooses a row of unpopped bubbles and POPS as many as they want in that row.
Players continue to take turns until one player is forced to POP the last bubble. That player loses that round, but, don’t worry! Turn the board over and start again. The first player to win three rounds is the winner!