Unbox your favourite L.O.L. Surprise! dolls brother with L.O.L. Surprise! Boys Series 2. Find 7 fab surprises including a secret message, stickers and more! Each Boys Series 2 doll shares the same outrageous look and awesome energy as his sister character but, with an extra special twist!
Fancy a new look? Bathe your L.O.L. Surprise! Boys Series 2 in water and watch the colours change. There are even more water surprises when you feed your L.O.L. doll! Will you meet M.C. Swag’s brother Swaggie or Neon Q.T.’s brother Neon Guy?
Look out for ultra rare Piano King, who is the first of his family and other awesome L.O.L. Surprise! dolls brothers Find all 8 characters in L.O.L. Surprise! Boys Series 2 and see if you can collect the whole family!